Joan Crawford found a way out of debt and a shot at a second – or third – act in Hollywood. What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? would become a smash, but working with Bette Davis was the price to pay.
Bond in Berlin
On a recent trip to Berlin and Munich we got to track down some locations for James Bond. Bond was quite the world traveler and Europe was an easy place to drop 007. Bond arrived in Germany for Octopussy for key scenes later in the film, but the story opens up in the city. Octopussy…
The Widow Steele
Joan Crawford Joan Crawford met Alfred Steele in the mid 1950s when her career was going downhill. She decided to step away from Hollywood and become the wife of a Pepsi executive. All seemed rosy, but the marriage ended in his death and she found she had crushing debt. The only way out was to…
Crawford, Joan Crawford
Joan Crawford died in 1977, but her career died around 1970 with her final film, Trog. Crawford’s body of work on film from 1960 until her death was primarily horror related. The success of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? gave her career a boost, but put her on a course where nearly every film…
Baby Jane turns 60
With the fall of 2022 marking the 60th anniversary of the release of What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?, the 1962 classic starring Joan Crawford and Bette Davis, this new series of Hollywood’nt – Hollywood Declassified looks back to the film and one of its stars, Joan Crawford. This episode introduces the topic and sets…
The Defector
Montgomery Clift traveled to Munich to film The Defector in 1966 to prove to Hollywood and Elizabeth Taylor that he was capable of completing a motion picture. Wanting to work he hadn’t had many offers and The Defector was an independent film in Europe that promised him the leading man role in a mystery/suspense film.…
Rediscovering Holden
As we wrap up this series on William Holden we take a brief look at the book that inspired the project. Hollywood’nt isn’t just the name of this podcast series, it’s the name of a new book about some of Tinseltown’s lost films and performances. The book discusses a number of films, but includes one…
The Death of a Leading Man
After several days of not being heard from, some began to worry and their concerns would be validated when William Holden’s body was found in his apartment. In this episode we go back to 1981 and the circumstances surrounding the death of William Holden. William Holden
The Sound of Music
As musicals go, The Sound of Music captivated a generation of moviegoers and lives on as one of the preeminent examples of Hollywood’s ability to entertain audiences with story, music, action, and drama. The 1965 American musical was produced and directed by Robert Wise. Starring Julie Andrews and Christopher Plummer, the film single-handedly saved Twentieth Century Fox from…
Monty’s Later Years
In the closing episode we talk about Montgomery Clift’s later years, his films, his struggles and his death. Montgomery Clift
Finishing the Film
After surgery and a rough recovery would Montgomery Clift be able to return to filming Raintree County and would the film be a hit? This is the topic of this episode. Montgomery Clift
After the Crash
The crash that nearly killed Montgomery Clift is discussed. Montgomery Clift
The crash
We are re-running the last series for users interested in catching up as we changed platforms and programs during the running. This episode talks about the making of Raintree County, Montgomery Clift and the car crash that nearly killed him and ended the movie. Montgomery Clift
Raintree County
We are re-running the last series for users interested in catching up as we changed platforms and programs during the running. This is episode 2 on Raintree County.
The Longest Suicide in Hollywood
We are re-running the last series for users interested in catching up as we changed platforms and programs during the running. This is episode one of series 4. Montgomery Clift